i heart the Italian Stallion

Can I please just profess my love for the Italian Stallion briefly? Yes? Ok. Great!

Did any of you happen to notice the transformation my blog underwent overnight? The Stallion and I stayed up very late finishing it up. And I can't stop looking at it today! I mean, really. I reopen it every 96 seconds.

Isn't it gorgeous?

Thank you so much, love!

Why do I post pictures of the Stallion making weird faces in order to show that I appreciate him?

Because they're the ones that capture his essence. His take on life. One of the main reasons I love him so much.

And these pictures with our adorable niece and nephew are almost too much for me to bear (see post 'Sugar Plums' from earlier today).

Ugly sweater party last winter. For some reason I am not amused.

Now this one's not a silly one. It just showcases the Stallion's... stallion-ness. Oh my.

Oh, what a thrill you are, my love.

(for those of you who don't get it - the stallion's doing part of the dance to thriller. the song. by michael jackson. hence the usage of thrill. just making sure)

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